
My Order

Boiling Point

Boiling Point (15)

Sunday 16 Jan 2022, 20:30 - ends at 22:31

Showing in: Screen 3

Socially Distanced

Enter the relentless pressure of a restaurant kitchen as a head chef wrangles his team on the busiest day of the year. Filmed in one take.

"Stephen Graham is on fire in nerve-jangling night in hell’s kitchen" - Mark Kermode

Starring: Stephen Graham, Jason Flemyng, Vinette Robinson, Alice Feetham, Hannah Walters

See this if you liked: Prisoners (2013), Birdman (Or The Unexpected Virtue Of Ignorance) (2014), A Quiet Place (2018)

Nominated for 4 BAFTAs including Outstanding British Film

Check back every Monday after 6pm for further listings

Covid-19 (from 28th January 2022)

-Guests are not required to wear face coverings, however we would strongly encourage them - particularly in communal areas when coming face to face with others

-Please respect others' personal space

-Some areas in Screen 1 & 2 will have seats closed for social distancing for those not yet comfortable will full capacity

-Some screenings may have social distancing of 1 seat either side of bookings. These screenings will be labeled with Socially Distanced

-Vaccine Passports are not required for entry in cinemas in England

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