What's On | The Dome Cinema Worthing

SEND Screenings

These are held in the comfortable Screen 3 once a month (excluding school holidays). This screen features 1 wheelchair space. Due to the restricted capacity, only those on the autistic spectrum or with learning disabilities (along with their carers, family or friends) may attend. Pre-booking is strongly advised - particularly for those requiring the wheelchair space.  There is a hearing loop and headset available for anybody who requires the VI or HOH channels.

During the screening the lights are dimmed but left on, with the volume of the film lowered. Carers MUST attend and must be in attendance throughout the film.
Our special screenings are listed on our website as soon as they are confirmed - so any dates that don't have a film listed against them means we do not know what will be showing yet.

If you have any questions regarding these showings or if you would like to book then do not hesitate to contact us on:

Tel: 01903823112    Email: office@domecinema.co.uk
No SEND Screenings events scheduled